Hong Kong company name check is important before registration, since you can not use a name that is in use or in the process of being registered. Any name which could give the impression that the company is connected to the Hong Kong government or any government department is strictly prohibited. Tannet can help you check the name availability of the company you wish to register in Hong Kong.
Basic Requirements of Company Name
1. A company may be registered with an English name, a Chinese name, or an English name and a Chinese name. A company name with a combination of English words/letters and Chinese characters are not allowed.
2. An English company name must end with the word “Limited” and a Chinese company name must end with the characters “有限公司”.
3. A Chinese company name should contain traditional Chinese characters that can be found in the Kang Xi Dictionary or Ci Hai Dictionary and also in the ISO 10646 international coding standard.
Company Names requiring approval before registration
1. The Chief Executive’s approval is required for a company name:
(i) which, in the opinion of the Chief Executive, would be likely to give the impression that the company is connected in any way with the Central People’s Government or the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or any department of either government. The use of words such as “Department”, “Government”, “Commission”, “Bureau”, “Federation”, “Council”, “Authority”, would in certain circumstances imply such a connection and will not normally be approved;
(ii) which contains any of the words or expressions specified in the Companies (Specification of Names) Order.
2. The Registrar’s approval is required for a company name which is the same as a name for which a direction for change of name has been given on or after 10 December 2010.
3. Applicants should seek the advice of the Companies Registry about the above types of names and apply in writing for the consent to use these names before the documents applying for incorporation or change of name are submitted.
Contact Us
If you have further inquires, please do not hesitate to contact Tannet at anytime, anywhere by simply visiting Tannet’s website english.tannet-group.com, or calling Hong Kong hotline at 852-27826888 or China hotline at 86-755-82143422, or emailing to tannet-solution@hotmail.com. You are also welcome to visit our office situated in 16/F, Taiyangdao Bldg 2020, Dongmen Rd South, Luohu, Shenzhen, China.
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