Free trademark search is part of Tannet’s China trademark registration service. Before filing the application, Tannet can help you conduct a preliminary search without charges in order to increase the possibility of registration. China is a first-to-file country which means no proof of use is required at the filing. It is especially important to trademark your brand first before someone else register it.
In China, besides digital trademark and device trademark, trademarks mostly consist of Chinese character, Chinese pinyin, English letter or/and English word. The similarity of English marks shall be judged strictly according to the China Trademark Examination Rules, entrusting a Chinese trademark attorney or IP service agency for availability search is the best choice for the applicant. Below we mainly talk about the consideration on trademark search with English elements.
English trademarks for Searching
(1) English mark with literal meaning
For English marks which have Chinese meaning, the Chinese meaning of the mark must be searched also. The meaning of the mark is an essential part in the official examination. In the overwhelming majority of cases, if the Chinese meaning has prior identical or similar mark, your English mark will be refused by the SIPO.
(2) English mark without meaning
There are 26 English letters from A-Z. Similarly, there are also 26 Chinese pinyin from a-z. The formation or appearance of English letter and Chinese pinyin are almost the same. Therefore, the similarity examination for English mark and pinyin mark are partially relative and interacted. The Chinese attorneys can judge and analysis the differences and similarities between the English mark and pinyin mark accurately.
In summary, before filing an application, the English trademark had better to be searched and analyzed by professional trademark attorney in China. The detailed trademark search report helps analyze the risks and chances for the final registration. Tannet’s IP service team is here to help.
Tannet’s Trademark Search Services
1. Search of Identical or Similar Trademarks
Tannet provides search for similar or identical trademarks in accordance with such elements as figures and characters to find out whether their trademarks are identical with or similar to the trademark of another person in respect of the same or similar goods.
2. Search of General Trademark Information
Tannet can search for the information related to a trademark by means of the trademark number, trademark content, and name of applicant.
3. Search of Trademark Status
Tannet can search for the present status of a trademark application in the work flow in accordance with the trademark number.
Major online marketplaces such as Alibaba, Taobao and and distribution channels require a proof of China trademark registration. It's difficult to overcome a trademark infringement in China without a registered trademark. Tannet recommends to file an application for China trademark registration as early as possible.
Contact Us
If you have further inquires, please do not hesitate to contact Tannet at anytime, anywhere by simply visiting Tannet’s website, or calling Hong Kong hotline at 852-27826888 or China hotline at 86-755-82143422, or emailing to You are also welcome to visit our office situated in 16/F, Taiyangdao Bldg 2020, Dongmen Rd South, Luohu, Shenzhen, China.
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