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What Services Can we Provide in Beijing Incorporation

Updated:2022-1-7 19:04:49    Source:www.tannet-group.comViews:299

BAs the world 2nd largest economy, although China's business is slowing down, it remains nevertheless the most popular foreign investment destination country.

Through our offices in Beijing, and our partner offices in over 10 other cities across mainland China, we have helped hundreds of foreign companies set up all types of companies in China. More than simple registration agents, our objective is to help you navigate the complexities of setting up a business in China , and ensure that you start and grow your business as smoothly as possible, in full compliance with the local regulations.

Our business incorporation Services Include: 
1.Foreign Investment Manufacturing Enterprise 
2.Foreign Investment Trading Enterprise 
3.Foreign Representative Office  
4.Foreign Investment Consulting Enterprise 
5.Company Registration in Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone 
6.CEPA Foreign Invested Enterprise 
7.Sino-Foreign Equity Joint Venture  
8.Sino-Foreign Co-operative Joint Venture  
9.Transformation of "Processing & Assembly" Companies 

Contact Us
Having any question? In doubt and need clarification. Feel free to contact us through the following and talk to our professionals:
Tel: +603-21418909

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