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Foreign trade enterprises will soon enjoy "two certificates in one"

Updated:2019-12-12 16:01:23    Source:www.tannet-group.comViews:495

When setting up overseas companies for import and export trade, enterprises often involve customs duties and record problems. It is worth noting that starting from October 15, 2019, the foreign trade dealers registration form and enterprises of origin registration form will be combined into one certificate, making it more convenient for foreign trade enterprises.

What is the record of foreign trade dealers registration form and enterprises of origin registration form?

Foreign trade dealers, engaged in the import and export of goods or technologies, shall apply to the commercial departments to obtain the foreign trade dealers registration form. This registration form indicates that the operator has the right of import and export. It is necessary to provide the registration form for reference when it involves import and export qualification in trade.

An export enterprise applying for a certificate of origin shall apply to the customs of the place where the enterprise is located for the record of the enterprise. Certificate of origin is a kind of certificate issued by the exporting country (region) according to the relevant rules of origin that the export goods originated in that country or region. It is also one of the important documents for each country to determine the tariff rate applicable to imported goods. In China, both the customs and the council for the promotion of international trade can issue certificates of origin.

Starting from October 15, 2019, the reform of combining the foreign trade dealers registration form and enterprises of origin registration form will be promoted nationwide. Enterprises simultaneously complete the foreign trade dealers registration form while handling the enterprises of origin registration form.

The change brought by "two certificates in one"

Before "two certificates in one"
Import and export enterprises usually need to go to the commercial department for foreign trade dealers registration form, and then go to the customs 、 the council for origin enterprise registration form, the procedure is more cumbersome.

After "two certificates are one"
It not only simplifies the filing procedure of enterprises of origin, greatly reduces the business flow of export links of foreign trade enterprises, saves the time and labor cost of repeated submission of materials, but also enables foreign trade enterprises to quickly understand relevant policies while opening import and export business, so as to enhance international competitiveness.

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