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Shenzhen Trademark Registration

Updated:2023-10-12 17:48:02    Source:www.tannet-group.comViews:2378

Shenzhen Trademark Registration Services
Hotline: 86-755-82143422, Email:

Shenzhen trademark registration is one of Tannet’s intellectual property protection services. A trademark is one types of intellectual property rights, which also includes patent and copyright. Intellectual property not only adds value to the business assets, but also performs business distinguishing and corporate image.

Before we go for trademark registration, make sure whether your focus is on brand name promotion, market protection or both. Many foreign investors come to Shenzhen equipped with their special products or patents, so it's necessary for them to register trademarks in order to protect their own possessions.

Documents required for a trademark application
The principal document in the registration process is your application form. A separate application for each trademark to be registered, although one application may cover both wares and services or a number of wares or services, must be filed. If your application is based on the current use of a design then three specimens of the mark as used should be submitted at the time of filing. The appropriate application form filled out by you or your agent. Your written authorization, if someone other than you or your agent has signed the application:

(1)  Passport or business license;
(2)  A clear picture of your design;
(3)  List of services or products);
(4)  Application form and power of attorney.

Trademark Registration Procedures
Step 1: Clients send to Tannet (by email or fax or post) a specimen of the trademark, a detailed list of products to be covered by the trademark and at the same time make payment for the pre-filing search to Tannet;

Step 2: Tannet conduct the pre-filing search and prepare search report and email the search reports to clients;

Step 3: If the search results indicate that the application is likely to be accepted and clients decide to proceed, clients send us the scanned copy of identity proof (passport copy for individual and Certificate of Incorporation or Business Registration Licence) and at the same time make payment for the pre-filing search to Tannet;

Step 4: Tannet prepare the registration application forms and Power of Attorney (PoA) and deliver them to clients for execution;

Step 5: Clients send the duly executed PoA and registration forms back to us;

Step 6: Tannet submit the application documents to the Trademark Registration Bureau;

Step 7: The Trademark Registration Bureau perform examination and other procedures; if no objection received, the Trademark Registration Bureau then issues the Certificate of Registration;

Step 8: Tannet forward the Certificate of Registration to clients.

Contact Us
If you have further inquires, please do not hesitate to contact Tannet at anytime, anywhere by simply visiting Tannet’s website, or calling Hong Kong hotline at 852-27826888 or China hotline at 86-755-82143512, or emailing to You are also welcome to visit our office situated in 16/F, Taiyangdao Bldg 2020, Dongmen Rd South, Luohu, Shenzhen, China.

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