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New Policies to Further Attract Foreign Talents And Investment in Shenzhen

Updated:2019-12-31 18:42:28    Source:www.tannet-group.comViews:704

On 18th August, The CPC and state council issued a statement detailing how China will support Shenzhen to be a demonstration area on many fronts. Here are the key points:

1. Development goals
By 2025, Shenzhen is expected to become a national model and world-leading city in terms of economic strength and high-quality development, with significant improvement in R&D investment, cultural industry, public services level and ecosystem quality.

2.Supporting 5G, AI and other innovations
The comprehensive national science center will be built mainly in Shenzhen, which will play a key role in the construction of international science and technology innovation centers in the Guangdong-HongKong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

China will continue to support Shenzhen in building major innovations like 5G networks, artificially intelligent technologies, cyberspace science and technology centers, and laboratories for life information and biomedicine.

3. Convenient exit-and-entry systems
Substantial measures and policies will be implemented for the more free introduction of international talents, and to establish more convenient exit-and-entry systems.

4. Encourage more international organizations and institutions
Shenzhen will carry on the reform of foreign exchange management on a trial basis, welcome and  support more international organizations and institutions to set up their base in Shenzhen.

5. Big data center
Support Shenzhen in building a big data center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.  Meanwhile explore ways to ensure data property rights and privacy protection mechanisms, and improve network information security.

6.Hong Kong and Macao residents can receive mainland Chinese benefits.
The residents of the Hong Kong and Macao territories working and living in Shenzhen, they can enjoy the same benefits as those born and raised in mainland China.

Shenzhen will also improve the real estate market development and accelerate efforts to facilitate low-rent housing as well as accommodation for high-level.

7. Testing cutting-edge medical technologies
China will support Shenzhen to become a welcoming city for medical doctors from overseas and test cutting-edge medical technologies to ensure doctors have the best technologies and equipment to facilitate their operation.

With those support and attention Shenzhen will become a more strategically important city in the Great Bay Area region and nationwide, and become a international hub for innovation and entrepreneurship with global influence.

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If you have further queries, you are welcome to contact Vera Zhang by calling 86-755-82213750, or email to

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