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Shenzhen Company Formation Advantages

Updated:2018-4-25 16:57:30    Source:www.tannet-group.comViews:2053

Shenzhen company formation advantages attract tens of thousands of investors from home and abroad to set up businesses there. Established in 1979 by the famous statesmen Deng Xiaoping, Shenzhen has grown exponentially over the past 35 years, a city that became not only one of China's first and most successful Special Economic Zones, but also one of the most powerful Chinese cities to date, and its rise to further honour and glory doesn't seem like it is going to be stopping anytime soon. The following are the reasons why you should why set up a Shenzhen company.

1. Favorable Geographical Locations
When it comes to prime real estate, both for living and company/factory set up, Shenzhen takes the cake! Located in the southern province of Guangdong, on the eastern side of the Pearl River Delta region, Shenzhen is a sprawling metropolis thats position is strengthened even further by the cities that surround it.

This coastal city is situated just North of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, an international hub long recognized as one the best places to do business in the region. Shenzhen's close proximity to HK makes it easier for international travelers to head back home.

A manufacturing powerhouse in its own right, Shenzhen is also in close proximity to the manufacturing mega cities of Guangzhou and Dongguan. These are the cities that epitomize the "Made In China" trademark, and just about everything you could possibly think of can be sourced from either of these cities.

2. Preferential Policies and Incentives
As a Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Shenzhen has enjoyed special economic policies and flexible government measures that has helped make it the financial juggernaut that it is today. Foreign companies that have invested in the SEZ enjoy tax incentives that make setting up shop in the region a favorable choice.

The establishment of the QianHai Zone (above) within Shenzhen is just another case of preferential policies being implemented to strengthen ties with HK, and provide foreign investors looking to set up a Shenzhen company in the zone with:
Lower labour costs;
Lower rental costs;
Closer proximity to mainland China manufacturing;
Lower corporate taxes for businesses;
Many financial incentives for businesses and individuals.

3. Government Subsidies for Trademark Registration
When it comes to the government subsidies to the registered trademarks of enterprises, Shenzhen companies come first in the list since those companies no matter register domestic or foreign trademarks, there is a corresponding huge subsidy policy. Details are  as shown below:

(1) Trademarks registered in EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office) and OAPI (Organization for Intellectual Property of Africa ) will get RMB 10000 subsides per trademark;
(2) Trademarks registered in single country/region will get RMB5000 subsides per trademark;
(3) Trademarks registered in Taiwan and Macao will get RMB3000 subsides per trademark;
(4) Trademarks registered through Madrid System will get RMB2000 subsides per country/region, and altogether 20 countries can be applied for at most;
(5) Trademarks registered in Hong Kong Special Administrative Zone will get RMB1000 subsides per trademark.

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If you have further inquires, please do not hesitate to contact Tannet at anytime, anywhere by simply visiting Tannet’s website, or calling Hong Kong hotline at 852-27826888 or China hotline at 86-755-82143422, or emailing to You are also welcome to visit our office situated in 16/F, Taiyangdao Bldg 2020, Dongmen Rd South, Luohu, Shenzhen, China.

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