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Hainan Free Trade Zone Company Registration

Updated:2018-11-15 12:03:26    Source:www.tannet-group.comViews:743

Hainan free trade zone plan was rolled out last month. According to the plan, the Hainan FTZ will push trial reform in such fields as accelerating the establishment of new institutions of the open economy, promoting the innovative development of the service sector and speeding up efforts to transform government functions. Tannet has established three branches locally to better serve domestic and overseas businesses. We will manage all aspects of incorporation to get you a business presence in this tropical land.

Advantages of Hainan Free Trade Zone
1. Free trade port, more advanced open form
The free trade port is a standard form of international cooperation. The “inside the territory while outside the customs" practice free flow, including the free flow of goods and funds. Similar to Singapore and Hong Kong, China, is a more advanced form of openness. At present, Hainan is exploring the construction of a free trade port.

2. Strong policy support
In order to implement the national strategy for Hainan Free Trade Zone construction, the government decided to establish the Haikou Jiangdong New District as a centralized exhibition area for the construction of the China (Hainan) Free Trade Zone. Operational activities that are restricted to foreign-funded enterprises are more open on this side, such as finance. The 100-day investment promotion activity in Hainan attracted many enterprises to indicate their presence in Hainan.

3. Tourism Industry Advantage
Tourism is the first of the 12 key industries in Hainan Province. Hainan encourages the establishment of Sino-foreign joint venture travel agencies, strives for relevant policy support, relaxes market access restrictions, and introduces high-quality resources to help the healthy development of tourism. In addition, individuals or teams from 59 countries and regions can travel and enter Hainan without a visa.

4. Favorable geographical location
Hainan has currently opened 44 international air routes and 370 domestic ones. It can reach Vietnam, Hong Kong, Macau, and the Pearl River Delta region in 1 hour, and can reach the Philippines, Brunei, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and China in 2 hours. In the triangle area, it can reach Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, South Korea, Japan, and the Bohai Rim area within 3 hours. Major commercial cities in Southeast Asia are within a 4-5 hour voyage with convenient transportation and excellent geographical location.

5. Simple company registration process
It will take approx. 1 month to register a Consulting free trade zone company in Hainan. While for a trading free trade zone company, it takes 1.5 months.

Establish a Company in Hainan Free Trade Zone
Foreign investors are not permitted to directly submit the application documents of incorporate a Free-Trade Zone company to the relevant authority in Hainan. They must retain a Chinese entity that is authorized or permitted by relevant authorities to act as a sponsor. The sponsor will submit all the documents to the examination and approval authorities on behalf of the foreign investor.

Recently, Tannet has been focusing on providing services for SMEs to invest in Hainan and offer supply and demand assistance for farmers. We are specialized in company establishment, business operation and management. We offer a full range of company formation services, such as Market Research/Feasibility Study/Due Diligence/Business Plan; Company Formation (WFOE/JV/RO/HK company); Accounting, Tax Filing and Auditing; Bank Account Opening (HK account/offshore); Work Visa/Residence Permit Application; Intellectual Property Service (trademark, patent, copyright); Global Barcodes Application.

Contact Us
If you have further inquires, please do not hesitate to contact Tannet at anytime, anywhere by simply visiting Tannet’s website, or calling Hong Kong hotline at 852-27826888 or China hotline at 86-755-82143512, or emailing to You are also welcome to visit our office situated in 16/F, Taiyangdao Bldg 2020, Dongmen Rd South, Luohu, Shenzhen, China.

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