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Hainan Trademark Registration Guide

Updated:2018-8-1 14:40:52    Source:www.tannet-group.comViews:489

Hainan trademark registration is a good way to protect your intellectual property rights in Hainan. A trademark is a distinctive brand or mark used by business owners or enterprise to identify that the product or service originate from one and only source. This mark has a value not only to the owner due to its distinctiveness but also to customers who associate this trademark to a specific product or service. Therefore, protecting a company’s trademark is a strategic move in the long term and should be carefully considered.

China has its own trademark registration authority and filing principles. Trademarks in China are generally awarded on a first come, first served basis, regardless of whether or not a company might be able to prove ownership over that trademark. Once registered, the mark is valid for 10 years. Tannet offers a reliable and efficient service for companies to ensure their exclusive rights to the trademarks.

Required Information and Documents
(1) Business Registration Certificate / Certificate of Incorporation (for corporation applicant);
(2) ID card, passport or other valid identity certificates (for individual applicant);
(3) Application form and Power of Attorney (provided by Tannet);
(4) Trademark drawings;
(5) List of goods and services.

Procedures for Registration
The procedures for registering a trademark in China is more or less the same as that of the other countries. If everything goes smoothly, the whole process will be quite simple and clear.

1. Conduct pre-filing trademark search;
2. Confirmation of availability;
3. Submission of trademark registration application forms ;
4. Official examination of register;
5. Publication in Government Gazette (if accepted);
6. Issuance of Certificate of Registration (if no objections received).

Tannet’s Trademark-related Services
The following are Tannet’s trademark-related services in Hainan and other regions in mainland China, as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

1. Trademark Search
Tannet can help conduct an availability search for similar pending or registered prior trademarks before filing the application in order to avoid the risk of collision with trademarks already registered.

2. Trademark Application
Tannet can process the trademark registration in mainland China. We also handle trademark cases in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau, as well as other jurisdictions.

3. Trademark Refusal Analysis and Defense
The trademark refusal does not mean that your trademark cannot get registered. Tannet’s legal consultancy team can help analyze the reason of refusal. If the reason of refusal is not reasonable, we will provide professional advice and suggestions to overcome the refusal and get your mark registered.

4. Trademark Opposition Analysis and Response
If you are discontented with the rejection of your registration, you may file for a rejection review with the Chinese government to regain your chances for accomplishing the registration process. Tannet can help you file for opposition on other’s registration with the trademark office to prevent confusion and infringement.

5. Change of Applicant's Information
In case of possible modification in your name or address, the China Law of Trademark mandates that a corresponding change process should be applied for the trademark to avoid any negative effect on the trademark. Tannet can assist in this regard.

6. Trademark Monitoring
Tannet’s professionals can help you trace your trademark in China and alert you of a potential infringement.

7. Trademark Renewal
Registered trademarks in China lasts for 10 years and should be applied for a renewal to avoid invalidation. The application of renewal may be submitted 6 months before the expiry.

8. Trademark Transfer
Trademark transfer through assignment allows you to transfer the property of a trademark to a different person or entity. If you are going to transfer your ownership of the mark, Tannet is there to help.

Contact Us
If you have further queries, don’t hesitate to contact Tannet anytime, anywhere by simply visiting Tannet’s website, or calling Hong Kong hotline at 852-27826888 or China hotline at 86-755-82143512 or 86-755-82143181 or emailing to You are also welcome to visit our office situated in 16/F, Taiyangdao Bldg 2020, Dongmen Rd South, Luohu, Shenzhen, China.

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