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Dongguan Representative Office Registration

Updated:2018-6-12 14:37:16    Source:TannetViews:1375

Dongguan representative office registration is one way to set up a business in Dongguan, China. A Representative Office (RO) is a business presence which conducts market research activities, or for liaison activities with Chinese businesses and customers on behalf of its parent company overseas. 

Features of representative office
A RO is mainly used into business liaison or local market trial representing its overseas parent company, since it is not considered to be a fully independent legal entity. This type of business is not allowed to directly engage in business operation, sign business contracts, issue invoices on its own, remit overseas and receive income from services performed, or directly employ staff.

Dongguan RO Registration
For Dongguan RO registration, you need to prepare some main required documents as below:
1. Certificate of Incorporation or Business License, Articles, Registration Address Poof Annual Return papers of parent company;
2. Authorization letter to the relevant person from the parent company to sign in the application documents;
3. Appointment letter to the chief representatives and general representatives;
4. Passport copies from the chief representative and general representative;
5. Original bank reference letters (from investor's bank) indicating foreign investors' creditability issued by the bank within 6 months. 

RO Tax Regulation
One of the most main categories for RO taxation is Enterprise Income Tax (EIT), which is based on monthly business operational expenses at its rate of about 15%.

General Procedures for Registration
1. Applying for Business License with local relevant government authority;
2. Curving Chops from local Public Security Bureau (PSB);
3. Opening a bank account.

Contact Us
For further queries, you are welcome to contact Tannet anytime, anywhere by simply visiting Tannet’s website, or calling Hong Kong hotline at 852-27826888 or China hotline at 86-755-82143422, 86-755-82143181, or emailing to

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