China trademark registration grants enterprises legal protection of their products and services. Trademark is the brand of a product that we often say. It is a kind of identification mark to identify the source of goods or services. Characters, figures, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs and color combinations, or combinations of the above elements, can be used as trademarks. Trademark registration in mainland China is protected only in mainland China.
Introduction to China Trademark Law
According to the provisions of China's "trademark law", the special right of registered trademark is protected by law. Unregistered trademarks are not protected by law, and their users do not enjoy the right of exclusive use of trademarks. Therefore, in the strict sense, only registered trademarks are industrial property rights in China. Only registered trademarks can become intangible assets of enterprises.
Difference Between TM and R
“R” refers to the registered trademark. "Trademark law" clearly stipulates that "trademark registrant has the right to indicate" registered trademark "or registration mark" mark “R”. If there is no registered trademark, then it belongs to a counterfeit registered trademark. And it may constitute trademark infringement;
“TM” is the acronym of the English word “trademark”, which refers to trademark. But this has no legal meaning and legal effect. Generally, not registered trademark or registered trademark can be used. Of course, registered trademarks can also be used. Generally speaking, we think its meaning is publicity to the outside world. "My use is" used as a trademark “TM”. In some trademark cases, it can be used as evidence of trademark. It can be noted that, Taobao, Tmall and other online platform, the trademark is divided into “R” mark and “TM” mark, respectively refers to the registered trademark and trademark still in the process of application.
Importance of China Trademark Registration
1. The registered trademark of an enterprise is the brand image of an enterprise, which can help enterprises seize the market and expand their business scope.
2. China trademark registration is advantageous to the market competition and the establishment of the enterprise prestige. This can prevent infringement of the same category enterprises and protect the intangible assets of enterprises.
3. A registered China trademark is easy for consumers to recognize brand shopping. It is helpful to identify the product brand and improve the popularity of the product. Meanwhile, a registered
4. China trademark is the basic requirement for opening the E-commerce store on Tmall,
5. A registered China trademark even can enjoy the support of the government and can be used for financing.
Tannet’s Services
Tannet’s trademark-related services in mainland China, as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are listed below:
1. Trademark Search;
2. Trademark Application;
3. Trademark Refusal Analysis and Defense;
4. Trademark Opposition Response;
5. Change of Applicant's Information;
6. Trademark Monitoring;
7. Trademark Renewal;
8. Trademark Transfer/Assignment;
9. Application for government subsidy.
Contact Us
If you have further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Tannet at anytime, anywhere by simply visiting Tannet’s website, or calling Shenzhen hotline at 86-755-82143422 or Hong Kong hotline at 852-27826888, or emailing to You are also welcome to visit our office situated in16/F, Taiyangdao Bldg 2020,Dongmen Rd South, Luohu, Shenzhen, China.
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