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China Sourcing Fairs

Updated:2017-4-12 19:13:23    Source:www.tannet-group.comViews:325

The China Sourcing Fairs are trade fairs organized by the business-to-business trade media company Global Sources. At such events, suppliers and buyers come together to network and do deals from April to December each year.

The China Sourcing Fairs are organized by Global Sources, a business-to-business trade media company that connects exporters from Asia and buyers from all parts of the world. Many buyers want to meet suppliers face-to-face before committing to buying a new product in bulk.

Under the umbrella label of China Sourcing Fairs are separate fairs held throughout the year. These specialized fairs are Baby & Children's Products, Fashion Accessories, Electronics & Components, Gifts & Home Products, Hardware & Building Materials and Underwear & Swimwear.

Each specialized fair attracts around 50,000 attendees and exhibitors occupying more than 1,000 booths. Exhibitors come from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Asia's other major supply markets; occasionally there are suppliers from other regions.

The fairs organize events and services including keynote speeches and forums by industry experts, conferences on better sourcing, private discussion areas, and free transport to hotels or airports. Exhibitors sometimes organize on-site visits to their factories in mainland China, direct from the fair grounds

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